John Akinjide Adeyemo is the Pastor of Victory Baptist Church, Ajah, Lagos. He is a preacher, teacher, trainer, writer and counselor. His pastoral leadership and experience spans over a decade and covers three different churches and a chaplaincy over time. His teachings are usually based purely on biblical interpretation with relevant illustrations.
John Adeyemo is passionate about church growth and spiritual development of Christians everywhere. He has contributed to some publications as well as authored some books. He is the author of the following books: Experiencing God’s Presence and Glory, The Amazing Blessings of the Righteous, The Futility of Human Heart, Chapel Message Series, How to Deal with Divisions in the Church, and You can Work for the Lord.
John is married to Elizabeth and they have three wonderful children, Helena, Emmanuel and Paul Adeyemo. He is a product of Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso and holds a Doctor of Philosophy in New Testament Language and Literature.