History / Outreach

The History of Men’s Missionary Union (MMU), Victory Baptist Church, Ajah, Lagos, Nigeria.

Motto: "You Will Be My Witnesses" Acts 1:8 (NIV)

The Men’s Missionary Union (MMU), Victory Baptist Church, Ajah is an organ of Victory Baptist Church, Ajah, Lagos, Nigeria, cooperating with the Nigerian Baptist Convention. The Union was established and inaugurated in the year 1999 by Bro. Akin Iwajomo from The New Covenant Baptist Church, the mother church of Victory Baptist Church Ajah. Following its inauguration in 1999, Bro. Tony Evie emerged as the first President who served with other executive members. This first set of executives served faithfully and set the pace for the subsequent set of believers who have continued to focus on the mission mandate over the years.

The Union became more active under the leadership of Pastor Olurotimi Taiwo who became the Church Pastor in July 2003 and continued so under the current leadership of Rev. John Akinjide Adeyemo.

The Union, as part of the body of the Living Christ, is commissioned to supporting and reaching out to win souls for God’s Kingdom. Therefore the main focus of the union is to carry out mission work. The Union has since inception been involved in mission mandate such as church planting and nurturing, evangelism and welfare service among others within Nigeria and at the international level.

As tradition of the Union, the attainment of leadership position by members is usually by simple nomination and election done during Annual General Meetings of the organization where the outgoing executive members would handover mantle of leadership to the newly elected officers to serve for a term of one year at minimum and maximum of two years based on performance and availability of any officer so considered to serve a second term in office.

For orderliness and effective coordination of activities, the MMU, Victory Baptist Church Ajah developed for itself guidelines as Constitution and Bye-Laws which became effective on the 8th day of September, 2012 and still apply till date.

The following positions constitute the Executive Council of the Men’s Missionary Union of Victory Baptist Church, Ajah: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Financial Secretary, Assistant Financial Secretary, Auditor, Treasurer, R.A. Coordinator, Publicity Secretary, Welfare Coordinator, Evangelism/Mission/Prayer Coordinator, Investment Coordinator, and Two Ex-Officio Members.

The List of Presidents/Chairmen and Year(s) of Service
The full list of the faithful believers who have served in the capacity of President (Chairman) of the Union since its inauguration in 1999 is stated alongside the respective years of stewardship.

S/N Name Year(s) of Service
1 Bro. Tony Evie Aug 1999 to Dec 2000
2 Bro. Caleb Yaro Jan 2001 to Dec 2002
3 Bro. Taiwo Abiola (Late) Jan 2003 to Dec 2004
4 Dn Bamidele Oyawoye (Late) Jan 2005 to Dec 2006
5 Bro. Kunle Olaopa Jan 2007 to Dec 2007
6 Bro. Omire Ometoruwa Jan 2008 to Dec 2008
7 Bro. Raphael Ojo Kadiri Jan 2009 to Dec 2010
8 Bro. Kayode Bankole Jan 2011 to Dec 2012
9 Bro. Goke Adelakun Jan 2013 to Dec 2014
10 Bro. Rume Omuophu Jan 2015 to Dec 2016
11 Bro. Akinade Ademola Jan 2017 to Dec 2018
12 Bro. Omajuwa Akperi Jan 2019 to Dec 2019
13 Bro. Eugene Esor Jan 2020 to Dec 2021
14 Bro. Yemi Alugo Jan 2022 to Dec 2023
15 Bro. Amao Olalekan Jan 2024 till date

The specific accomplishments of the MMU of Victory Baptist Church (VBC), Ajah over the years may be categorized into five parts, namely; Mission, Facilities, Welfare, Evangelism, Royal Ambassadors and job empowerment assistance.

The MMU has supported the VBC, Ajah in establishing and nurturing mission fields which were later organized by the church into daughter churches among which are VBC Sangotedo, VBC Akodo and VBC Epe, all in Nigeria. Those yet to be organized include Victory Baptist Church Agbowa and Victory Baptist Church Mosheyo all in Nigeria and Nuru Baptist Church, Juba in South Sudan, the international mission field. The MMU also assisted with the adoption of New Life Baptist Church in Ikorodu, Lagos. The Union also encouraged the establishment of MMU in all of the daughter churches established by VBC, Ajah as mentioned above.

In response to a clarion call from Rev. Ayo Oladapo, the President of Ondo State Baptist Conference during Father’s Day Celebration, 2013, MMU founded a church (Victory Baptist Church, Omotosho), acquired parcel of land, built the Church Sanctuary and later organized the Church for expansion of gospel and mission work in Omotosho, Ondo State.

Of special significance is the South Sudan mission which received the attention of the MMU after a member of the VBC Ajah was posted to that country on expatriation. In collaboration with VBC, Ajah, the MMU followed up and worked with the Nigerian Baptist Convention's Global Missions Board to adopt and nurture a mission field in Juba in the newly independent South Sudan. The intervention of the MMU of VBC Ajah led to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Victory Baptist Church, Ajah and the Global Missions Board. Since then, the MMU has continued to assist with finances, personnel training, and counseling in order to ensure proper establishment of the Baptist church in Juba, South Sudan. Our intervention in South Sudan stimulated the Convention Leadership under the leadership of Rev Dr Olasupo Ayokunle to saddle the National MMU with the responsibility of moving out to international Mission endeavors through the yearly International Mission Safari program.

The MMU of VBC Ajah has also made a significant contribution to the MMU at the Nigerian Baptist convention level, an act which assisted the National MMU to rekindle enthusiasm in completing the National Secretariat building in Ibadan which was under construction for decades.

The MMU has supported in the provision of the following facilities:

  1. Construction of Sanctuary for Victory Baptist Church, Omotosho, Ondo State.
  2. Purchase of Buses for VBC, Ajah for mission work.
  3. Purchase of Generators for VBC Ajah, Mosheyo and Akodo for power supply.
  4. Financial support for the Construction of Pastorium for VBC, Ajah.
  5. Construction of Sanctuary for Victory Baptist Church, Agbowa-Ikosi in Epe Local Government Area of Lagos State.


  1. The MMU occasionally assisted Women's Missionary Union (WMU) of the church with finances in their mission projects.
  2. The MMU engaged with the elderly in the church (especially widows) by pairing members with them in order to assist materially, medically and spiritually. Through the MMU, some needy members received stipends to assist their finances.
  3. The MMU supported the church in the provision of palliative to church members during Covid-19 pandemic.

The Union had carried out evangelism through Medical Outreaches in all of our mission/daughter churches and Okegun and Losoro/Lakowe towns in the Lekki corridor of Lagos State, Nigeria.

Royal Ambassador
The MMU organized the young boys of the VBC, Ajah into the Royal Ambassadors movement. The boys are trained, nurtured and kitted into a disciplined young Christian group known as Omotoso Chapter of the Royal Ambassadors.

Job Empowerment Assistance
The MMU has over the times engaged in job empowerment project to the Church Youths in various capacities and this gesture has enabled some youth members to get established with good job.

One of the major challenges of the Union over the years has been the sustenance of the members' interest in its activities. Through admonitions and person to person consultations, there has been significant improvement in this regard even though there is plenty of room for improvement. There have also been concerted efforts towards getting members interested in the activities of the Association, Conference and Convention at large.