Strategic Plan

10-Year Strategic Plan of Men’s Missionary Union (MMU), Victory Baptist Church, Ajah, Lagos, Nigeria.


Strategic planning is a systematic process of envisioning a desired future, and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them.

This 10-year strategic plan is aimed at guiding the Men’s Missionary Union (MMU) of Victory Baptist Church Ajah towards achieving a long-term robust and effective missionary work. The main focus of the strategic plan is to set the direction of the MMU for:

  • Continuity in leadership vision and goals
  • Long-term sustainable revenue generation for missions work

Prior to this strategic plan, the MMU’s activities and goals have been separately tied to the one- or two-year tenure of each successive leadership. This situation created short-term outlooks and lack of continuity. Other consequences are overreliance on short-term measures such as pledges and donations for generating funds for our missions work, and a lack of commitment towards tangible investments that would generate and grow income long after a given leadership’s tenure had expired.

This strategic plan contains a clear picture of the long-term direction of the MMU of VBC Ajah for accomplishing missions, youth mobilization, and welfare work. It should steer the MMU towards growing her investments and associated revenues to finance her activities in the short, medium and long term while minimizing the corresponding financial burden on individual members of the union. An effective and efficient men’s missionary union offers an important means for accomplishing the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 28: 19-20). The following areas are captured in this strategic plan:

  • Missions, Prayer, and Evangelism
  • Royal Ambassadors/Youth Mobilization
  • Investment
  • Welfare
  • Finance

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